Sign up - online anytime
In-person sign up dates and times:
Sign up and equipment Days (if you have signed up or signing up you can get your equipment on these dates and times)- will be provided at a later date.
Location is 213 Silver Lake Road, Middletown, DE 19709
Please call 302-668-7131 with any questions. Payment plans are available, practice gear will be sold for a reduced rate. Coupons will be available for purchase of cleats, and other equipment.
Purpose: Inform all parents of the requirements for MOTYF&CL.
1. All Volunteer League
All Board Members and Coaches are volunteers.
We would ask that you take pride in our league and participate and assist as often as you can. Pitch in when you see help is needed.
Volunteers must be 16 years of age or older
2. Refund Requests
The deadline to request a refund will be August 15th.
All refund requests will require board approval and will not be considered until all equipment has been returned.
THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS for Refund Requests.
3. Physical Forms
MOTYFCL Physical Form
Physical Forms must be completed by the player’s doctor prior to engaging in any practice or game activity by August 1st.
Physical Forms will be collected by either your Coach or Team Mom.
4. Player & Parent Code of Conduct
Player parent code of conduct
Both Players and Parents are expected to behave appropriately during practice, games and all times while on the MOT Complex .
Please read and abide by the Player/Parent Code of conduct.
Inappropriate behavior and or language will not be tolerated.
5. Equipment
Parents and players are responsible for all issued equipment (Helmet and Shoulder Pads)
Players - keep game jersey and game pants.
Helmet and Shoulder pads must be returned at the end of the season.
Failure to return equipment at the designated date and time will cause legal action to be taken,
Please read over your contract and make sure you understand the contents.
Your signature acknowledges that you understand the content.
Make sure you check the website on a regular basis to stay up to date on scheduling and
or event changes as well as the many events offered throughout the year.
Should you have any questions,
Please call 302-668-7131
League Communication:
Usually done by E mail. Please submit a valid E- Mail address or make arrangements with your Team Mom or Coaches